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V. Mishra, S. P. Singh, R. Haldar, and S.K. Varshney, Sub-Wavelength Dual Capillaries-Assisted Chalcogenide Optical Fibers: Unusual Modal Properties in Mid-IR (2-5 ?m) Spectral Range, IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 22, 2016 |
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Dokania V., Islam A. , Dixit V. , Tiwari S, Analytical Modeling of Wrap-Gate Carbon Nanotube FET With Parasitic Capacitances and Density of States, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 3314-3319, 2016 |
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Sarkar S., Datta R, An Adaptive Protocol for Stable and Energy-Aware Routing in MANETs, IETE Technical Review, 2016 |
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Burman D., Ghosh R. , Santra S. , Guha P. K., Highly proton conducting MoS2/graphene oxide nanocomposite based chemoresistive humidity sensor, RSC Advances, 6, 57424-57433, 2016 |
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Jha R., Guha P. K. Nanotechnology, Liquid exfoliated pristine WS2 nanosheets-for ultrasensitive and highly stable chemiresistive humidity sensors, 27, 475503-475512, 2016 |
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Das B. K., Chakraborty M., A New Diffusion Sparse RLS Algorithm with Improved Convergence Characteristics, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) - 2016, 2016 |
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Das B. K., Chakraborty M. , Garcia J. A. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II, Sparse Distributed Estimation via Heterogeneous Diffusion Adaptive Networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II, 63, 1079-1083, 2016 |
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Mandal M. K., Khan A. A., Miniaturized substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) power dividers, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Comp. Lett., 26, 888-890, 2016 |
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Liles A., Debnath K. , O'faolain L, Frontiers in Materials, Optics Letters, 41, 894-897, 2016 |
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Debnath K., Khokhar A. Z., Boden S. A., Arimoto H. , Oo S. Z., Chong H. M., Reed G. T., Saito S., Low-loss slot waveguides with silicon (111) surfaces realized using anisotropic wet etching, Frontiers in Materials, 3, 2016 |
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Mukherjee R., Biswas B. , Chakrabarti I. , Dutta P. K., Ray A. K., Efficient VLSI design of adaptive rood pattern search algorithm for motion estimation of high definition videos, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 45, 105-114, 2016 |
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Bera D., Chakrabarti I. , Pathak S. S, Modelling of cooperative spectrum sensing over rayleigh fading without csi in cognitive radio networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 86, 1281-1297, 2016 |
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Mukherjee R., Biswas B. , Chakrabarti I. , Dutta P. K., Sengupta S. , Ray A. K, Speed-Area Optimized VLSI Architecture of Hexagonal Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation of 512x5212 Frames, Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 1-18, 2016 |
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Nandini Sengupta, Md Sahidullah, Goutam Saha, Lung sound classification using cepstral-based statistical features, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 75, 118-129, 2016 |
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G. Dutta, N. DasGupta, and A. DasGupta, Effect of Sputtered-Al2O3 Layer Thickness on the Threshold Voltage of III-Nitride MIS-HEMTs, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 1450-1458, 2016 |
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N. Karumuri, G. Dutta, N. DasGupta, and A. DasGupta, A Compact Model of Drain Current for GaN HEMTs Based on 2-DEG Charge Linearization, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 4226-4232, 2016 |
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M. Shukla, G. Dutta, R. Mannam, and N. DasGupta, Electrical properties of reactive-ion-sputtered Al2O3 on 4H-SiC, Thin Solid Films, 607, 1-6, 2016 |
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G. Dutta, S. Turuvekere, N. Karumuri, N. DasGupta, and A. DasGupta, Low-Temperature ICP-CVD SiNx as Gate Dielectric for GaN-Based MIS-HEMTs, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63, 4693-4701, 2016 |
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Sasmal M., Roy A. L., Bhattacharyya T. K., Low-field transport in bovine serum albumin functionalized ZnO nanoparticle networks, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 37, 100-102, 2016 |
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Ghosh S., Ghosh R. , Guha P. K., Bhattacharyya T. K., Enhanced Proton Conductivity of Graphene Oxide/Nafion Composite Material in Humidity Sensing Application, IEEE Transactions onNanotechnology, 15, 782-790, 2016 |
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Das J. K., Mukhopadhyay S., Similarity learning for texture image retrieval using multiple classifier system, Tools and Applications, 1-25, 2016 |
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Phani Kumar M V., Ravi K. C., Mahapatra S., Pyramid Coding based Rate Control for Constant Bit Rate Video Streaming, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75, 2016 |
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Phani Kumar M V., Ravi K. C., Mahapatra S, Pyramid Coding based Rate Control for Variable Bit Rate Video Streaming, IET Image Processing, 10, 671-680, 2016 |
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Varma K. R., Malladi V. P., Mahapatra S., Search range reduction for uni-prediction and bi-prediction in HEVC, Journal of Real Time Image Processing, 1-14, 2016 |
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Veerubhotla R., Das D. , Nag S. J, Internet of Things Temperature Sensor Powered by Bacterial Fuel Cells on Paper, J. Power Sources, 438, 1-9, 2016 |
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S. Nag and N. V. Thakor, Implantable Neurotechnologies: Electrical Stimulation and Applications, Springer Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2016 |
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Lahiri A., Delgado I. , Sheshadri S. , Ng K. , Nag S. , Yen S. , Thakor N., Self-organization of fibro-axonal composite tissue around unmodified metallic micro-fluidic electrodes can form a functioning interface with a peripheral nerve: A new direction for creating long-term neural interfaces, Muscle and Nerve, 53, 789-796, 2016 |
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Lee H., Nag S. , Blasiak A. , Thakor N. , Yang I, Subcellular Optogenetic Stimulation for Activity-Dependent Myelination of Axons in a Novel Microfluidic Compartmentalized Platform, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 7, 1317-1324, 2016 |
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Muralidharan S., Dirda N. D., Katz E. J., Tang C. M., Bandyopadhyay S. , Kanold P. O., Kao J. P., Ncm, a Photolabile Group for Preparation of Caged Molecules: Synthesis and Biological Application, PLOS One, 11, 2016 |
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Winkowski, D.E.*, Bandyopadhyay, S.*, Shamma, S.A., Kanold, P.O., Frontal cortex activation causes rapid plasticity of auditory cortical processing (*equal contribution), Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 18134-18148, 2016 |
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Yadav R., Bhattacharya S. , Venkatesh K. , Gupta S., A spatiotemporal restoration of partial color artifacts in archival films, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 10, 1319-1326, 2016 |
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Paul S., Bhattacharya S. , Gupta S., Spatiotemporal colorization of video using 3d steerable pyramids, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27, 1605-1619, 2016 |
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Pendharker S., Shende S. , Newman W. , Ogg S. , Nazemifard N. , Jacob Z, Axial super-resolution evanescent wave tomography, Optics Letters, 41, 5499-5502, 2016 |
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Shende S., Pendharker S. , Jacob Z. , Nazemifard N, Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to investigate the distribution of residual bitumen in oil sands tailings, Energy & Fuels, 30, 5537-5546, 2016 |
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Bera D., Chakrabarti I. , Pathak S. S., Modelling of cooperative spectrum sensing over rayleigh fading without csi in cognitive radio networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 86, 1281-1297, 2016 |
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Das H., Layek R. K, Estimation of Delays in Generalized Asynchronous Boolean Networks, Molecular BioSystems, 12, 3098-3110, 2016 |
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Mawatwal K., Sen D. , Roy R, An Iterative SAGE Based Semi-Blind Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO, IEEE GLOBECOM 16, December 04-08, Washington DC, USA, 1-6, 2016 |
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Rout M., Roy R., Dynamic deployment of randomly deployed mobile sensor nodes in the presence of obstacles, Ad Hoc Networks, 46, 12-22, 2016 |
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Swaminathan R., Roy R., HSSEC strategy for decode-and-forward-relaying systems over Nakagami-m fading channels., IET Communications, 10, 2621-2635, 2016 |
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Swaminathan R., Karagiannidis G. K., Roy R., Joint Antenna and Relay Selection Strategies for Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 65, 9041-9056, 2016 |
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Swaminathan R., Roy R. , Selvaraj M. D., Performance Comparison of Selection Combining With Full CSI and Switch-and-Examine Combining With and Without Post-Selection, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 65, 3217-3230, 2016 |
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Rout M., Roy R., Self-Deployment of Mobile Sensors to Achieve Target Coverage in the Presence of Obstacles, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, 5837-5842, 2016 |
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Rout M., Roy R., Self-Deployment of Randomly Scattered Mobile Sensors to Achieve Barrier Coverage, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16, 6829-6830, 2016 |
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Lahiri A., Paria B. , Biswas P. K., Forward Stagewise Additive Model for Collaborative Multiview Boosting, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 1-16, 2016 |
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Singhal C., De S., Energy-efficient and QoE-aware TV broadcast in next-generation heterogeneous networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 54, 142-150, 2016 |
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Ghosh B., Kakade A. B., Mode excitation in the microstrip slot-coupled three-layer hemispherical dielectric resonator antenna, IET Microwaves, Antennas Propag., 10, 1534-1540, 2016 |
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Inamdar A., Amparo D. , Sahoo B. , Ren J. , Sahu A., RSFQ/ERSFQ Cell Library with Improved Circuit Optimization and Timing Verification, IEEE Transaction On Applied Superconductivity, 2016 |
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Sahoo B., Inamdar A., Thermal Noise Canceling Switched Capacitor Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, 63, 628-632, 2016 |
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Sharp G., Vilhena H. , Lahiri B. , Mcmeekin S. G., De La Rue R. M., Johnson N. P., Mapping the sensitivity of split ring resonators using a localized analyte, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 1-3, 2016 |
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Mukherjee R., Mahajan V. , Dhar A. S., Chakrabarti I., High Performance VLSI Design of Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 25, 16501141-165011416, 2016 |
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Panigrahy M., Chakrabarti I. , Dhar A. S., Low-Delay Parallel Architecture for Fractal Image Compression, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 35, 897-917, 2016 |
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K.K.Ajith and A. Bhattacharya, Printed Compact Lens Antenna for UHF Band Applications, Progress in Electromagnetic Research C, 62, 11-22, 2016 |
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Shrivishal Tripathi, Akhilesh Mohan, and Sandeep Yadav, A Compact fractal UWB Antenna with Reconfigurable Band Notch Functions, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58, 509-514, 2016 |
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Sourav Nandi and Akhilesh Mohan, Bowtie Slotted Dual Band SIW Antenna, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1-4, 2016 |
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Gunjan Sriavastava and Akhilesh Mohan, Compact MIMO Slot Antenna for UWB Applications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 1057-1060, 16, 2016 |
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Sourav Nandi and Akhilesh Mohan, CRLH Unit Cell Loaded Quad-Band Monopole Antenna, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58, 653-658, 2016 |
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Suvadeep Chaudhary and Akhilesh Mohan, Electrically small 64th-mode substrate-integrated waveguide monopole antenna, IET Electronics Letters, 52, 580-581, 2016 |
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L. Bhanu Pratap, Debidas Kundu, and Akhilesh Mohan, Planar Microstrip-Fed Broadband Circularly Polarized Antenna for UWB Applications, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 58, 1088-1093, 2016 |
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Debidas Kundu, Akhilesh Mohan and Ajay Chakrabarty, Single Layer Wideband Microwave Absorber using Array of Crossed Dipoles, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 1-4, 2016 |