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S.K. Varshney, T. Fujisawa, K. Saitoh, and M. Koshiba, Novel design of inherently gain-flattened discrete highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber Raman amplifier and dispersion compensation using a single pump in C-band, Optics Express, 2005 |
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Chakraborty M., Mitra A., A Block Floating-Point Realization of the Gradient Adaptive Lattice Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 265-268, 2005 |
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U.C.Gupta, A.D.Banik and S.S.Pathak, Complete analysis of MAP/G/1/N queue with single (multiple) vacation(s) under limited service discipline, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 3, 353-373, 2005 |
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Manesh Kokare, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, Cosine-modulated Wavelet Packet Based Texture Features for Content Based Image Retrieval, IETE Journal of Research, 51, 477 - 483, 2005 |
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Manesh Kokare, P. K. Biswas, B. N. Chatterji, Texture Image Retrieval Using New Rotated Complex Wavelet Filters, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics- Part B, 35, 1168 - 1178, 2005 |