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Publications in Journal

# Publications by Kapil Debnath
1 All-silicon carrier accumulation modulator based on a lateral MOS-capacitor, All-silicon carrier accumulation modulator based on a lateral MOS-capacitor, Photonics Research, 6, 373-379, 2018
2 Sotto M., Debnath K. , Khokhar A. Z., Tomita I. , Thomson D. , Saito S., Anomalous zero-group-velocity photonic bonding states with local chirality, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35, 2356-2363, 2018
3 Sotto M., Tomita I. , Debnath K. , Saito S., Polarisation Rotation and Mode Splitting in Photonic Crystal Line-Defect Waveguide, Frontiers in Physics, 6, 1-9, 2018
4 Osman A., Nedeljkovik M. , Soler Penades J. , Wu Y. , Qu Z. , Khokhar A. Z., Debnath K. , Mashanovich G. Z., Suspended low-loss germanium waveguides for the longwave-infrared, Optics Letters, 43, 5997-6000, 2018
5 Debnath K., Khokhar A. Z., Reed G. T., Saito S., Fabrication of Arbitrarily Narrow Vertical Dielectric Slots in Silicon Waveguides, Photonics Technology Letters, 29, 1269-1272, 2017
6 Debnath K., Bucio T. D., Al-attili A. A., Khokhar A. Z., Saito S. , Gardes F. Y., Photonic crystal waveguides on silicon rich nitride platform, Optics Express, 25, 3214-3221, 2017
7 Debnath K., Clementi M. , Bucio T. D., Khokhar A. Z., Sotto M. , Grabska K. M., Bajoni D. , Galli M. , Saito S. , Gardes F. Y., Ultrahigh-Q photonic crystal cavities in silicon rich nitride, Optics express, 25, 27334-27340, 2017
8 Liles A., Debnath K. , O'faolain L, Frontiers in Materials, Optics Letters, 41, 894-897, 2016
9 Debnath K., Khokhar A. Z., Boden S. A., Arimoto H. , Oo S. Z., Chong H. M., Reed G. T., Saito S., Low-loss slot waveguides with silicon (111) surfaces realized using anisotropic wet etching, Frontiers in Materials, 3, 2016
10 Debnath K., Moore R. , Liles A. , O'faolain L., Toolkit For photonic integrated circuits based on inverted rib waveguides, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33, 4145-4150, 2015
11 Debnath K., Welna K. , Ferrera M. , Deasy K. , Lidzey D. G., O L., Highly efficient optical filter based on vertically coupled photonic crystal cavity and bus waveguide, Optics Letters, 38, 154-156, 2013