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Singh S. P., Varshney S. K, Tunable optical parametric amplification characteristics of liquid-filled chalcogenide photonic crystal fibers, Optics Letters, 38, 3846-3849, 2013 |
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EH Khoo, I Ahmed, Z Guo, V Dixit, MTW Ang, EP Li, Investigation of the near field distribution in circular nanostructures using Stokes polarization states, Applied Physics A, 112, 597-603, 2013 |
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Sarkar S., Datta R, AODV based Technique for Quick and Secure Local Recovery from Link Failures in MANETs, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 11, 2013 |
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R Ghosh, A Midya, S Santra, S K Ray, P K Guha, Chemically reduced graphene oxide for ammonia detection at room temperature, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7599-7603, 2013 |
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Samiran Dam and P. Mandal, Modeling and Design of CMOS Analog Circuits through Hierarchical Abstraction, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 449-462, 2013 |
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Das R. L., Chakraborty M, Sparse Adaptive Filtering by Iterative Hard Thresholding, APSIPA ASC 2013, 2013 |
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Satpathi S., Das R. L., Chakraborty M, Improving the Bound on the RIP Constant in Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 1074-1077, 2013 |
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Debnath K., Welna K. , Ferrera M. , Deasy K. , Lidzey D. G., O L., Highly efficient optical filter based on vertically coupled photonic crystal cavity and bus waveguide, Optics Letters, 38, 154-156, 2013 |
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Md Sahidullah and Goutam Saha, A Novel Windowing Technique for Efficient Computation of MFCC for Speaker Recognition, Signal Processing Letters, 20, 149-152, 2013 |
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DasGupta, Rahul; Dash, Jatindra K. ; Mukhopadhyay, Sudipta, Rotation invariant textural feature extraction for image retrieval using eigen value analysis of intensity gradients and multi-resolution, Pattern Recognition, 46, 3256-3267, 2013 |
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Bhanja U., Mahapatra S. , Roy R, An evolutionary programming algorithm for survivable routing and wavelength assignment in transparent optical networks, Information Sciences, 222, 634-647, 2013 |
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Gowre S. K., Mahapatra S. , Varshney S. K., Sahu P. K, Dispersion characteristics of all-glass photonic crystal fibers, Optik, 124, 3730-3733, 2013 |
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S. Nag, X. Jia, N. V. Thakor, and D. Sharma, Flexible charge balanced stimulator with 5.6 fC accuracy for 140 nC injections, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2013 |
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Bandyopadhyay, S. and Young E.D., Nonlinear temporal receptive fields of neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus, Journal of Neurophysiology, 110, 2414-2425, 2013 |
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M. Ravi Kumar , S.S. Pathak, P.Ganguly, N.B. Chakrabarti, Construction and generation of OCDMA code families using a complex row-wise orthogonal pairs algorithm, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU, 67, 868-874, 2013 |
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Swaminathan R., Roy R. , Selvaraj M. D., Performance analysis of triple correlated selection combining for cooperative diversity systems, ICC, 2013, 5483-5488, 2013 |
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Urmila Bhanja, Sudipta Mahapatra, Rajarshi Roy, An evolutionary programming algorithm for survivable routing and wavelength assignment in transparent optical networks., Information Science, 222, 634-647, 2013 |
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Rajib Kumar Jha, P. K. Biswas, S. Shrivastav, Logo Detection Using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 7, 119 - 128, 2013 |
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B. Ghosh, S.K. Moinul Haque and P. Halder, Analysis of arbitrary multiple-loop antennas around a conducting cone, with rotational symmetry, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 7, 111-122, 2013 |
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B. Ghosh, S.K. Moinul Haque and N.R. Yenduri, Miniaturization of slot antennas using wire loading, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 12, 488-491, 2013 |
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Sarma V., Sahoo B., Pipelined ADC based design of bandpass Delta-Sigma-ADC, Electronics Letters, 49, 646-648, 2013 |