BTech in Electronics AND Electrical Communication Engineering is a 4 year Degree program. Students are admitted on the basis of their performance in the All India Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for the undergraduate program. It is a combination of Electromagnetic Engineering, Microwave, Analog Communications, Digital Communications, Signal Processing, VLSI, etc
MTech Dual Degree is an undergraduate program where the student gets a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in a minimum of 5 years. Students are admitted on the basis of their performance in the All India Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for the undergraduate program.
The University approved 4-semester postgraduate courses leading to Master of Engineering degree in 8 disciplines, namely, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mining, Electronics and Tele-Communication, Computer Science and Technology, Engineering Mechanics and Geoinformatics and a 4-semester postgraduate degree course in Master of Town & Regional Planning.
Over the last sixty years, IIT Kharagpur has consistently established new and improving standards in higher engineering education. Postgraduate degree programmes at IIT Kharagpur lead to Joint MTech / MCP-PhD, MBA and MMST degrees. In addition, the Institute also offers Integrated MSc programmes and Joint MSc-PhD programmes.
The curricula and pedagogy in these programmes are periodically updated with a focus on quality and excellence to meet the demands of the changing world.