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Publications in Journal

# Publications by 2001
1 P. Mandal and V. Visvanathan, CMOS Op-Amp Sizing Using a Geometric Programming Formulation, Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 20, 22-38, 2001
2 Dasgupta P., Chattopadhyay S. , Chaudhuri P. P., Sengupta I., Cellular automata-based recursive pseudoexhaustive test pattern generator, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 50, 177-185, 2001
3 Chattopadhyay S, Low power state assignment and flipflop selection for finite state machine synthesis - a genetic algorithmic approach, IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques, 148, 2001
4 Dasgupta P., Chattopadhyay S. , Sengupta I., Theory and application of non-group cellular automata for message authentication, Journal of Systems Architecture, 47, 383-404, 2001