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James D., K. A. T., Purushothaman A. , Sahoo B., Mitigating Aperture Error in Pipelined ADCs Without a Front-end Sample-and-Hold Amplifier, International Conference on VLSI Design, 2018 |
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Salz B., Sahoo B. , Hanumolu P., A 0.7 V Digital Differential Inductor for On-Chip Filter Applications in 65-nm CMOS, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2017 |
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Zhu J., Mahalley M. , Shu G. , Choi W. S., Nandwana R. , Elkholy A. , Sahoo B. , Hanumolu P. K., A 45-75MHz 197-452µW Oscillator with 164.6dB FoM and 2.3psrms Period Jitter in 65nm CMOS, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2017 |
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K. A. T., Sahoo B., A Digitally Assisted Radiation Hardened Current Steering Digital-to-Analog Converter, International Conference on VLSI Design, 2016 |
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Ravi C., Sarma V. , Sahoo B., At Speed Digital Gain Error Calibration of Pipelined ADCs, International New Circuits and Systems Conference, 2015 |
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Ravi C., T. R. , Sahoo B, Histogram Based Deterministic Digital Background Calibration for Pipelined ADCs, International Conference on VLSI Design, 2014 |
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Sarma V., Sahoo B., Error Feedback Based Noise Shaping in a Double sampled ADC, International New Circuits and Systems Conference, 2012 |
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Sahoo B., Razavi B., U-PAS: A User-Friendly ADC Simulator for Courses on Analog Design, International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education, 2009 |